Learning life lessons (and why should you burn bridges and build walls from time to time)

Noel Sales Barcelona
4 min readOct 23, 2017
Photo sourced from the internet and used under Fair Use Policy.

As I grow older, I have learned to accept and tolerate things.

I have learned that you should practice non-attachment to all things as possible for memories and being sentimental can really pull you back and get you stuck in the rut. Besides, there are things and peoples and situations that are actually a trap, and you need to get away from them if you want to go on in your life and be happy and successful.

You must learn how to burn bridges and build some walls, too

As much as I wanted not to burn bridges and build walls, you need to do them from time to time. It serves as a precautionary measure, keeping the worse of your “enemies” at bay, and keeping them from evading your private space.

Monsters are not to be fed, neither energy suckers are allowed to nourish from your energy.

Let me tell you a story:

I have been into a lot these past few months.

Money is tight, opportunities are scarce, and some people are too cruel that they won’t help you despite of the fact that you have helped them grow.

But there’s a lesson here —

Nobody is to blame but me.

It was me who made that conscious choice to let all these things happen.

Because I have no courage to say “No” and kept on believing that old dogs can be taught new tricks. Of course, I was terribly, terribly wrong in the latter.

Another lesson that I have learned in the past few months is that, you need to finally decide to cut ties with people who are actually abusing you and pulling you down. These are energy suckers feeding in your energy and talent but constantly are failing to return that energy that they have consciously borrowed or consumed. You must learn how to prevent them putting their “hose” into you and suck you dry.

You might ask: Who are these people, Dada? (Dada is my nickname to some circles.)

These are your fair-weather friends, the people who don’t want to accept their mistakes and keep blaming others (although you must also assess yourself that perhaps, you have contributed a thing or two in the situation), and those people who are dragging you into their own dramas.

Here’s another story:

I have known a person who at first, is very, very helpful and appears to be really concerned about your well-being and really appreciates your talent.

But chaos happened because of some poor choices that this person made, and begins to play the “blame game.”

Seeing himself as “fault-free” he begins to blame other people for the failing business ventures that he had had.

While I have advised that person to stop temporarily the projects that he wanted to push through, he keep on pushing it and he had incurred humongous debts. And now, to make himself “clean” from all the mess, he made us all feel guilty by saying that it was also our fault why his projects failed.

This is outrageous, if not, insane!

Giving that person a benefit of the doubt, I kept on assisting and helping so that the projects would push through — even if I am not making out of it.

Now, I realized, this should not be happening for I have worked hard, and as a worker, I deserve to get the fruits of my labor.

I didn’t imagine that one of these days, I will see myself asking — no, begging — for my part of the bargain!

Of course, there are specific reasons why they have turned into such siphoning machines, sucking other people’s energy dry. And I will try to discuss that in another post or story. Nevertheless you need also to keep your energies pumped up and kept at “safe levels.”

In addition to those I have mentioned earlier, another lesson that I have learned is that you need to trust your Soul and your Heart and keep them healthy by surrounding yourself with positive people and making healthy choices in life.

You need to clean and reboot your “system”

However, to attract these good and positive people, the good situation, and the good opportunities — you also need to get the garbage out of your system.

Your mind, body, and soul are like CPU.

If it is full of unimportant and useless files and viruses, it will definitely slowdown.

Now is the time for a cleanup and for a reboot.

Get rid of those negative thoughts and feelings, and be mindful of your thoughts, words, and actions.

We’re living in a world of energy wherein everything vibrates at a certain level.

Energies of lower frequency can bring you more harm than good. These low frequency energies are negative thoughts, negative feelings, and the negative vibes that people emit.

Meanwhile, high frequency energies can bring you positive feelings and can help you reach your full potential.

I have to admit that my energy levels now are at all time low and I need to reconnect to the Source to get me going again. Which, I believe, is happening right now.

Be balanced and don’t be an energy sucker yourself

The final lessons are — You need also to maintain that balance in your life and always be mindful of your actions, thoughts, and feelings.

To maintain the balance is to find your center, your core values (which often are positive forms), and anchor yourself into it. While you maintain a positive outlook, you should also be realistic in viewing things in life.

Mindfulness, on the other hand, is key to happiness and is the crowbar that will break the chains that are wrapped around you — the chain of anxiety and hopelessness and attachment.

I am positively positive that one of these days, after the storm, I will finally see the sun and the rainbows.



Noel Sales Barcelona

A former freelance journalist, art and cultural critic, and an intuitive from the Philippines. I am the new species of weirdness.